Thursday, April 15, 2010

Day 7, Poem 7

…recently discovered all-black penguin seems unafraid to defy convention… biologists say that the animal has lost control of its pigmentation. Other than (that) the animal appears to be perfectly healthy. “Look at the size of those legs” said one scientist, “It’s an absolute monster”

The all-black penguin speaks
17 facts you did not know about me

1. I was born here; raised here, met my mate and warmed my eggs – here.

2. Fully ten seasons passed before you noticed me. Don’t make up theories now, Johnny-come-lately.

3. Penguins are color blind

4. Fuck your bell curve, albino motherfucker – I know that’s not a fact. It’s an imperative.

5. Penguins deliberately don’t read so we wouldn’t have to learn words like assimilate, like discriminate, like mutate.

6. We pray every day. It’s a simple chant
Evolve, Evolve, Evolve

7. Can’t you see it’s getting warmer? Don’t you see the ice melting? (Yes, I know these are questions)

8. I know the word rhetorical, bitch

9. I’m actually the same size as all the other penguins.

10. You suffer from ocular negrophobia, the condition in which all black (all-black?) things look really large and scary. Yes, I know that’s a fact about you, albino motherfucker.

11. I hate you.

12. I don’t believe in the same God as you.

13. Evolve, Evolve, Evolve

14. There are two other all-blacks
We do not know each other.

15. I’m prettier than you

16. I’m making up a song about you. It’s called albino motherfucker

17. We have a few all-white penguins here. We’re cool. They hate you too.

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