Thursday, April 15, 2010

94 Juniper Lane, Glastonbury, CT, 06033

Upon returning home
I noticed that the counter-tops in the kitchen were
smooth granite.
black diamonds
paving the surfaces of the kitchen
with swirls of geology.

The sink was now stainless steel,
new faucet,
and sunken into the counter top under the window
that frames a painting of the woods outside.
That hawk is in the tree still.

Me and Suzie and
Brian and Robert
Wilson himself
no longer Moma Dance in the living room.
2001 already passed.

now nobody plays at all,
except Sporcle or youtube on the

It's seeming so big so
clean and shiny so wrong
and uncomfortable
like going under the knife.
Dad is snoring on the green couch
and the dog is looking up at me.
He clearly doesn't appreciate how big the television is.

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