Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 9, Poem 9: Untitled came/stayed poem

I came because I had no choice,
and we were
living on the second floor
upstairs, beyond the third floor
we couldn't go,
hippies, gypsies, and junkies
People you could say hello to
People you were steered away from
Fathers and uncles who were okay
when they were sober...
Puerto Ricans who fought and laughed
violently in the halls.
There were families of families

I stayed because
the rush of the hydrant
the music from car speakers
and fire escapes
identifiable whistles
and because we became invisible
but we were always seen
so-and so's kid, right?
It made you boisterous
but kept you honest
Didn't stop the trouble either way

I came because we moved to where
we could barely survive
And somehow we did
Pot lucks and dishes passed hallways
We lit firecrackers in the hallway
We played hide and seek in basements
built forts out of bunk beds
got in trouble together
got drunk together
not always the same thing
gave each other lice in school
and helped each other comb it out
fought each other
became friends again

I came because you don't question
where you're going until you get there
I stayed because I knew no other roads to
Soon, change

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