Sunday, April 18, 2010

Stress Test

1. What is your heart rate at present?

2. Do you exercise regularly?
3. Do you sleep at least 7 hours a night?
4. Are you a smoker?
5. Do you have more than 5 alcoholic beverages a week?
6. Are you pregnant?
7. Have you recently changed residences?
8. Do you own your own home?
9. Are you currently employed?
10. Is your line of work fulfilling?
11. Do you receive a regular paycheck?
12. Do you often pay bills late?
13. Do you have a strong support system of friends or family?
14. If yes, why?

15. Have you recently experienced a major personal achievement?
16. Have you recently experienced a change in your financial status?
17. Have you recently experienced orgasm?
18. Have you recently experienced the death of a close family member or friend?
19. Did your spouse die?
20. Did you get a divorce?
21. Did you get married?
22. Did you enter retirement?
23. Did your child leave home?
24. If yes, why?

25. Do you ever have thoughts of suicide?
26. Do you ever imagine your own funeral?
27. Do you wake up in the middle of the night running lists through your head in a cold sweat?
28. Do you often interact with someone and think, 'The world would be better if this person were dead.' ?
29. When you are with the people you love do you push them away?
30. Have you ever had a dream in which you had a physical altercation?
31. Have you ever been in a physical altercation?
32. Hypothetically: If you were in a physical altercation with another identical embodiment of yourself, which of you would win?

34. Do you make more than $20,000 a year?
35. Do you make more than $30,000 a year?
36. Do you make more than $40,000 a year?
37. Do you make more than $50,000 a year?
38. Do you make more than $60,000 a year?
39. Do you make more than $70,000 a year?
40. How much are you worth?
41. How much is it costing society to keep you alive?
42. Are you giving back?
43. Do you ever pay it forward?
44. Do you ever steal?
45. If someone was getting beat up on the street by a group of thugs and you were the only person who knew about it, thereby making you the only person able to stop the crime from happening but you knew you were outnumbered, out-sized and you were already late for an appointment would you try to do anything about it?

46. What is your heart rate at present?

1 comment:

  1. OMG, this is so good. answered yes and no to all the wrong things. even #1 stressed me out.
